I Took Her Into Mine Arms
- I TOOK HER INTO MINE ARMS - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the book, "The Dream of X," by William Hope Hodgson, published by Donald Grant in 1977.
This drawing also appears in the book, "Masters of the Weird Tale: Hodgson," published by Centipede Press in 2009.
This picture is one of my favorites; it implies a great love between a man and a woman, it implies a great struggle overcome to unite that love, it implies a heroic nature in human souls that may very well give meaning and purpose to life and the universe.
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Desideratum 1:
In this infinite universe in which I live, everything is moving along as it should. As I move along with it I empty my mind of anxiety, of fear, of insecurity, of worry. All things will come to me in my journey through time and space as I need them.

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